If there is one prayer that you should pray/sing every day and every hour, it is the
LORD's prayer (Our FATHER in Heaven prayer)
- Samuel Dominic Chukwuemeka
It is the most powerful prayer.
A pure heart, a clean mind, and a clear conscience is necessary for it.
For in GOD we live, and move, and have our being.
- Acts 17:28
The Joy of a Teacher is the Success of his Students.
- Samuel Dominic Chukwuemeka
Calculators: Calculators
(1.) Numbers and Notations
(2.) Fractions, Decimals, and Percents
(3.) Translate from English to Math
Notable Notes About Word Problems
(1.) Word problems are written in standard British English.
(2.) Some word problems are very lengthy and some are unnecessary. Those ones are meant to discourage you from even
(3.) Word problems in Mathematics demonstrate the real-world applications of mathematical concepts.
(4.) Embrace word problems. See it as writing from "English to Math".
Take time to:
(a.) Read to understand. Paraphrase and shorten long sentences as necessary.
(b.) Re-read and note/underline the vocabulary Math terms written in English.
(c.) Translate/Write important sentences one at a time.
(d.) Review what you wrote to ensure correctness.
(e.) Solve the math, and check your solution in the word problem.
Does that solution makes sense?
If it does, you may be correct.
If it does not, please re-do it. For example, if you were asked to calculate the length of something and you get a
negative number, then you will need to re-do it.
Translate these word problems to Math.
Use appropriate variables.
Define your variables.
Do not solve unless you wish.
The names of the towns/cities/villages used in the questions are actual names.
But, I chose those names to make you smile/laugh 😊 while learning Math.